Monday, August 4, 2014

Five Secrets to Effective Corporate Comedy

Performing Effective Corporate Comedy is Best Achieved by Following These Five Guidelines:

1)  Corporate Comedy Creates a Fun, Non-Threatening Environment

Corporate Comedy is an artform.  It is a type of humor that is appreciated by event planners seeking clean, funny comedy that is not offensive and creates a buzz.  Generally the comedy is delivered in an auditorium, a hotel meeting room or an on-site all-purpose room.  If your comedy is inappropriate for this type of setting, you will know immediately.  The ambience and crowd reaction will train a corporate comedian as to what material is appropriate the minute he or she begins to speak.

2)  Customize

With a little research into your client's business you secure a definite edge in your performance.  "Google" the company and learn about what makes it tick.  Tweak your jokes with this information and you will gain great respect for your time and personal interest.

3)  Arrive on time

I recommend arriving at least one hour prior to your performance.  It is wise to do a sound check and talk with the audio-visual personnel so that everything runs smoothly  Arriving early puts everyone at ease - including you!

4)  Dress as if you are performing on TV

 It is always better to be over-dressed rather than appearing casual at a more formal event.  Dress in professional attire.

5)  Make your Audience the Stars of the Show

Many new corporate comedians overlook the fact that it is important to make your audience members the stars of the show.  This is so effective in producing a memorable show. "Customizing" a show is the first step to making your performance personalized.  I recommend taking your efforts one step further and including audience members on stage in your performance.  "Taking the stage" is an experience that guests will remember for years to come!
