Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Corporate Comedians - What You Need to Get Booked

After talking to countless corporate event planners as president of The Humorous Speakers Bureau, I can tell you that the most important thing a comedian needs to get booked as a corporate event entertainer is a great video in front of a corporate audience.  I've seen flashy web sites that are brilliant in their display and SEO opportunity splashed across countless headers.  I've seen advertised books,  glorious "Contact Me" forms and comedy club performances as comedians "kill" in front of a comedy club audience.

Nope.  Can't say it will sell an act.  ...  "Where's the video," asks the event planner.

Let me repeat - The most important thing a corporate comedian needs is to have is a videotape of himself/herself performing customized clean corporate comedy on a large stage in from of a corporate audience.  (No corporate bookings yet?  Tape yourself performing clean comedy on a large stage).

Bookers want to look and laugh.  They want to see and hear what you do.  Print will not sell you.  (If I tell you I bake the best chocolate chip cookies in the world, would you believe me?  I bet you would want to be your own personal judge of my baking abilities.)

No amount of press or advertising or letters of appreciation will sell you like a corporate event video.  I know it is not easy to get this polished product of a sales tool.  I can only tell you - it is what works.

For more info see:  humorousspeakersbureau.com


  1. How long should the video be or do they want to see an entire set? How long is the average set for corporate events? What is the pay range?

  2. Videos can be very short - even three to five minutes. Ideally, I would recommend having a YouTube channel with numerous short videos. It is rare that anyone asks for an entire set - if ever.

    Pay range is $1000 to $3500 for a corporate gig.

  3. Happy to read this interesting post. Seen many of the affordable corporate event venues San Francisco online for our office meet in a couple of weeks. Confused to select a perfect one. Will finalize it soon as have to look for good caterers too. Hope all of us have a good time from our hectic schedules.
